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Forum:Space Shuttles - Space Station
Topic:STS-133: "Message in a Bottle" (EVA-1)
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daboltonTwo questions about this.
  1. is the air around the station/shuttle free of contaminants; i.e. is it possible to get a pure vacuum sample that close-in

  2. did they capture the 'gunshot' smell that astronauts say space smells like when an EVA ends; it would be an interesting analysis of the contents.
Robert PearlmanThe International Space Station is not entirely outside of Earth's atmosphere. The station needs to be re-boosted periodically as a result of atmospheric drag.

So, yes, the Message in a Bottle may include a few molecules of atmosphere, too.

As this was designed from the start as an artistic/symbolic activity, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) does not intend to study the bottle's contents (or lack thereof). The metal cylinder's internal glass bottle will be put on public display after returning to the ground.

Cliff LentzDon't want to be the spoil sport here, but isn't this just a sealed empty bottle? I know it's symbolic and all that. Here in Philly after the Phils won the World Series, they took up the grass and had small pieces freeze-dried and offered for sale. Is this a new marketing idea?
Robert Pearlman
Originally posted by Cliff Lentz:
Don't want to be the spoil sport here, but isn't this just a sealed empty bottle?
Sure, but then some artwork is just paint splattered on a canvas. The important point for both is intent.

The bottle in Message in a Bottle is symbolic; the message though, is that children (of all ages) can make space and exploration whatever their imagination can fill-in.

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